New Years Day Elixir
The best remedy for the morning after the night before. This is a great energiser, one to add in lost nutrients, vitamin C, immunity boosting greatness and antioxidants to get you started on the right foot for 2021.
20g of 80Noir Ultra
220ml hot water
A teaspoon of honey
A pinch of ginger powder
Half a lemon squeezed
Half a clementine squeezed
Lemon and orange rind
Add the 80Noir Ultra beads to a jug, along with the pinch of ginger powder, honey and hot water.
Whisk it all up to a rich emulsion.
Squeeze the lemon and clementine (you can use an orange) into the jug and whisk briefly.
slice up some fresh ginger root, the lemon and orange rind and add to the mug.
Pour the hot chocolate elixir over the ginger and fruit and let it steep for a while ( i like to keep it in as it develops over time).
Take it over to a comfy nook in your house and savour every last moment of it
š Anti-inflammatory
š Immunity Boosting
š Anti-oxidants
š High Source of Fiber
š Packed with vitamin C and minerals
š Anxiety releaser
š Soul soother
š Energy booster
š 80 calories
š Vegan friendly, Palm oil free & Gluten Free
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