Amanda Lightfoot

"My name is Amanda Lightfoot and I am a 2x olympian in the sport of biathlon, I am currently British female number 1 and I have competed in Sochi 2014 OWG and Pyeongchang 2018 OWG. I am now on the journey to my 3rd Olympic games which is only 8 months away!! I am a Sgt in the British Army and I absolutely love both my sporting career and my army career! I am a true lover of chocolate!
I would say, I am known for being a bit of a chocoholic, however given my dietry requirements, I have had to cut back drastically. This is where I came across 80 Noir Ultra dark chocolate brand. After the first taste I was hooked with its rich , creamy and smooth taste. Not only does it use all natural ingredients, it is also 79.3% cocoa so it is low in sugar too! Excellent!
Dark chocolate is also full of flavonoids which help to promote a balanced lifestyle and strengthen the immune system what more could you want!
I love a hot chocolate in the evenings, pyjamas on and all cosy on the sofa, it brings me so much joy and relieves the stresses of the day.. This is the reason why I am more than happy to be an ambassador for this fantastic product."